When I was working with other Corporate Performance Management systems, I was never fully satisfied with their capabilities. There was always something missing, something was too difficult to use, or the client had such complicated requirements that it was just not possible to fulfill their needs.

So how to solve this problem? Well, let’s create a CPM system that will expect customizations in its very core and which will be able to fulfill any requirement that the clients may have. And so Koabo was created.

Current systems are too rigid

The established systems are too rigid, which makes it challenging for them to get sufficiently customized and to react to new trends.

I see an excellent example of problems with large rigid systems in artificial intelligence. What is nowadays called artificial intelligence is very probably using a neural network to run its algorithm. These algorithms require vast datasets that need to be appropriately categorized. But these datasets are not available for internal reporting because each company would have to create its dataset to train the AI algorithm. And there is just not enough data to do that. It can’t work.

But this does not mean that internal reporting can’t use other data science tools – on the contrary. But these tools must be entirely customized to be able to bring benefits to the company.

Failure to convey information

Just imagine that you have a superb financial model of the company and algorithms that are automatically calculating everything. Still, then you send an ugly, unusable report to the managers of the company. All effort is then wasted. And I feel that exactly this is currently happening in many companies.

Koabo aims to bridge a gap between reporting and other departments by changing the way financial data is explained to managers.

The ability to convey information about the performance of the companies to people who are not experts in accounting is one of the top priorities where the development of Koabo is focused. That is why Koabo is not only able to show the performance but also to offer explanations on why was such performance achieved. Koabo can also use any visualization tool you prefer. In some cases, Microsoft Power BI is ideal; in other instances, we can use Microsoft Excel or decide to go with Tableau.

Customizations are the ideal way forward

Koabo gives us a very flexible platform to manage all your needs related to reporting and planning. If you want to bring revolution into your reporting, get in touch with us.